WinSped® Product brochure

We open the window to the world of digital transport.

We have been developing IT solutions for transport and logistics companies since 1980. Today we, a team of over 230 employees from the logistics and EDP industry, are leaders in standard applications in the transport industry with our successful product WinSped®.


We have been developing IT solutions for transport and logistics companies since 1980. Today we, a team of over 230 employees from the logistics and EDP industry, are leaders in standard applications in the transport industry with our successful product WinSped®. With locations in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, France, Spain and Denmark , we are always looking for proximity to our more than 1.200 customers and 27.000 satisfied users.

From consulting to system installation to user support, you will find us to be a partner who understands his trade and is committed to the successful use of WinSped® in your company.

In the daily dialogue with our customers and industry partners we continuously work on the implementation of your wishes and the further development of our products. We would be pleased to show you our systems in use with
satisfied customers.

Our TMS WinSped®

We understand WinSped® as a „hub application“ to which third-party services can be connected. We explicitly do not want to be a closed shop or an isolated ERP. Our customers should have the choice of which services they use. That‘s why we‘re driving collaboration with partners forward and expanding it. Examples: Map systems, route planning, freight exchanges, OCR, telematics systems, WMS, FiBu, DMS, intermodal booking systems.The aim is that WinSped® offers a uniform program interface and that the user does not have to leave WinSped® to use the third-party services.

Vorstand LIS AG
LIS Member of the Board of Managemen (from left to right): Rolf Hansmann, Magnus Wagner

Table of contents

Order entry

With the order entry WinSped® is well equipped for managing orders.

Graphical Dispatching

A simple overview and easy operation enable dispatchers to react quickly.

FTL Dispatching

Regardless of whether you enter your orders manually or automatically via data import, with FTL cargo transport you always have full control.

Cross Docking / warehouse handling

Import of barcode data from almost all scanner systems for the automated processing of part and groupage shipment order.

Electronic loading list (ELLi)

ELLi is the electronic loading list for your transport management system (TMS).

Telematics integration

The use of telematics systems immensely improves communication between vehicles and the dispatching centre and allows the flexible design of dynamic transport processes.

System transports

Not every transport service can be provided by yourself. If you cannot serve certain routes economically, many co- operations offer the network through which the transport service can still be provided at a profit.

Invoice Module

The checking of incoming freight invoices and the invoicing of services to your customers is effectively supported with WinSped® by automated routines.


With WebSped® you create an internet portal for your forwarding agency that leaves nothing to be desired.


It has never been easier to handle transport orders via smartphones and tablets than with our new application.

Route calculation

Calculation of routes under consideration of various parameters.

Automotive Center

WinSped® Automotive Center offers solutions for process-oriented advice and order processing in the VDA environment.

ATLIS customs module

ATLIS is the module for the complete integration of WinSped® into the ATLAS system of the European customs administrations.


The ETA-Center takes over the calculation of arrival times of trucks and their monitoring.

Swap body site management

The WinSped® swap body administration informs you with one click about the current location.

Loading Equipment

WinSped® helps to efficiently manage loading equipment for your company.

Dangerous goods

Security in handling dangerous goods data so that the dispatcher can concentrate on his core tasks.


Keep an eye on everything that rolls for you.

Order entry

WinSped® is ideally equipped for the fast and error-free creation of orders. Whether via EDI, from canned orders or via manual input – all order data is recorded quickly and smoothly and forwarded to the scheduling department for further processing.


  • Order history – status tracking
  • Encounter traffic
  • Credit check
  • Label and barcode printing
  • Freely configurable filter / mask configurations
  • Dangerous goods
  • Converter for FORTRAS, IDS128, IDS80, IFTMIN, IFCSUM, IFTSTA and customized formats
  • Relations assignment
  • Bulkiness determination
  • Leg training
  • Optional automatic loading bookings
  • WebSped® order entry and workflow control via WinSped® macro language

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Graphical Dispatching

With the graphical dispatching you optimize many processes in the transport logistics in your forwarding company. You simplify the work of your dispatchers and therefore save time and effort in the end.


  • Automatic tour planning
  • Easy and convenient handling via drag & drop
  • Integrated vehicle deployment plan
  • Current vehicle location
  • All elements fully configurable
  • Automatic scheduling
  • Depositable work areas
  • Depositable Points of Interest (POIs)
  • Surrounding search
  • Integration of telematics systems

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FTL Dispatching

Planning complete loads even easier, more efficient and more reliable – with the WinSped® module FTL freight traf-
fic. Regardless of whether you enter your orders manually or automatically via data import, with FTL cargo transport
you always have full control.


  • Flexible docking windows
  • Individual design of work areas
  • Status tracking of shipments
  • Multiple shipment retrieval
  • Virtual Dispensing Wall in Weekdays
  • Display of contribution margins
  • Printing of transport documents
  • Telematics integration
  • Displaying Means of Transport Resources in Shift Plans
  • Dangerous goods integration

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Cross Docking / warehouse handling

The WinSped® forwarding software with powerful interfaces also integrates the online and offline import of barcode
data from almost all scanner systems for the automated processing of part and groupage shipment orders.


  • Court registration
  • Ramp / gate management
  • Hall control station
  • Row scheduling
  • Robust indoor radio
  • Real-time processing prevents misloading
  • handling statistics
  • Relation filling
  • Delivery scanning offline
  • Delivery scanning via third-party telematics systems
  • Shipment tracking with history
  • SSCC search with event log
  • Simultaneous tracking of own and external NVE

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Electronic loading list (ELLi)

With the latest new development ELLi, LIS is taking a further step towards digitization. The new tool displays all unloading and loading processes digitally and in real time.


  • Digital capture despite missing scan codes
  • Paperless data exchange between shipper and dispatcher
  • Real-time status update
  • Transparent hall handling process
  • Direct customer integration via WebSped portal
  • Protocol possibility of charge deviations
  • Photo function

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Telematics integration in WinSped®

The use of telematics systems immensely improves communication between vehicles and the dispatching centre and allows the flexible design of dynamic transport processes.


  • Alarm function for waiting times (incl. e-mail notification)
  • Ability to provide information
  • Automatic waiting time calculation
  • Automation of internal processes
  • Continuous electronic order processing
  • Real-time information of all vehicles in the vehicle deployment plan
  • Free system selection from over 30 telematics systems
  • Simultaneous use of different telematics systems
  •  Integration of driver deployment data (digital spee-dometer)
  • No double data entry
  • Reduction of telephone costs, incl. optimal ability to provide information

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System transports

Not every transport service can be provided by yourself. If you cannot serve certain routes economically, many co-operations offer the network through which the transport service can still be provided at a profit. Such cooperations often offer a different range of services, so that, depending on the goods, processing via different cooperations becomes necessary. This is no problem for the dispatcher with WinSped®. He selects the service provider with his service and automatically creates the correct label with all current routing information.

The connection is available for:

  • 24plus
  • Cargoline
  • Chronopost Frankreich
  • CTL
  • Der Kurier
  • Dialog
  • ILN
  • Online
  • STAR
  • UPS
  • VTL

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Invoice Module

he checking of incoming freight invoices and the invoicing of services to your customers is effectively supported with WinSped® by automated routines. In the invoice department the completed orders with all relevant information are promptly available and can be processed comfortably with the deposited conditions.


  • Consideration of different currencies and sales tax codes
  • Excel import and export of tariffs
  • Flexible and rule-controlled account assignment
  • For some systems, the import of open items is supported
  • Unlimited flexibility through the integration of the WinSped® macro language
  • Multidimensional tariffs with (almost) arbitrary structures
  • Classic freight optimizations (star, row) available in many variants
  • Complex customer agreements can be stored
  • Standard tariffs (GFT, KDS, GNT etc.)
  • Interfaces to numerous financial accounting systems
  • Central surcharge and discount manage-ment (e.g. diesel surcharge
  • Separately factual and conditionable additional calculations that contain all information on the order

Interfaces to financial accounting (Addison, Agresso, Bundschuh, Carat, CSS, DATEV, Diamant, DKS, Fenestra, IBM, Lexware, Navision, ProFib, Sage KHK Classic Line, Sage KHK Office Line, Sage
KHK Select Line, SAP, Schilling, Varial, …)

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WebSped®– Your online logistics portal

With WebSped® you create an internet portal for your forwarding agency that leaves nothing to be desired. Simple, variable administration and design templates, online order entry and status entry, tracking and tracing functions and much more are modularly structured and can be easily integrated into your WinSped® freight forwarding software.


  • Multi-level security system and rights management
  • WebSped® Order – Order entry
  • WebSped® Tracking & Tracing – Shipment tracking
  • WebSped® Status – Status generation
  • WebSped® DMS – Document Management
  • WebSped® Lager – Advice and stock Information

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AppSped – Mobile order processing for easy handling

AppSped makes mobile: It has never been easier to handle transport orders via smartphones and tablets than with our new application.


  • Flexible usage on Android and iOS devices
  • Available in many language
  • Intuitive operation
  • Workflow Manager enables you to define individual processes
  • Documentation of delivery by means of sign-on glass function
  • Real-time communication
  • Integration of external drivers without time consuming training
  • High data security

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Route calculation

With the calculator for routes, these can be easily dis-played on the map. Information about the generated route such as distance, travel time, toll kilometres and toll costs can be called up at any time and evaluated. For route calculation, users enter parameters such as dangerous goods or weight, which are taken into account when setting up the route. Information such as dimensions, emission class and speed are also included in the planning. Once routes have been generated and calculated, users save them as enquiries and imme-diately access the saved data for current transport enquiries. The route calculation thus ensures that the corresponding route can be determined quickly.


  • Generation of routes and their evaluation
  • Deposit of vehicles and trailers as well as
    corresponding profiles
  • Determination and output of planned truck costs in the route calculator
  • Storage of generated routes for the later and renewed use

Automotive Center

With the WinSped Automotive Center, we offer solutions for process-oriented advice and order processing in the VDA environment. The development is aimed at automotive transports in full, empties and intermediate plant traffic and also supports the processes of regional forwarding and cross docking. The WinSped Automotive Center
immensely improves the recording and scheduling of VDA orders. The system takes the VDA plant structures into account and guides you through the entire process.


  • Complete integration of VDA master data (suppliers, plants, packaging materials)
  • Supported companies: Audi, BMW, Daimler, MAN, Porsche, Scania, Skoda, VW
  • Process oriented advice and order processing for automotive transports in full, empties and intermediate plant traffic
  • Creation and dispatch of VDA work borderos
  • Time slot management
  • Demurrage settlement
  • Supported EDI formats: VDA 4913, VDA 4921, VDA4933 T1, VDA4933 T2, VDA4933 T3, VDA4987, VDA4945 und VDA30MOD
  • Volkswagen credit note procedure MTB

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ATLIS customs module

ATLIS is the module for the complete integration of WinSped® into the ATLAS system of the European customs ad-ministrations. Communication takes place online, but not directly with customs, but centrally via the LIS compu-ter centre. From here, the processes are forwarded for declaration after conversion into the corresponding customs format. This provides security, reduces costs and makes it considerably easier to get started.

Integrate a piece of Europe into your WinSped® with ATLIS.



  • Wizards for clever copying
  • Assistants for data transfer
  • Export
  • Individual and collective customs declarations
  • Free circulation
  • Infobox with intelligent standard value function
  • integrated customs audit
  • Communication with Flatrate
  • Normal and simplified procedures
  • Dispatch

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Due to various factors such as an impaired traffic situation, drivers‘ driving times to be observed or technical problems, the delivery date of a product requested by the customer can be postponed. In such situations, the ETA Center promises to be able to precisely calculate and continuously monitor the arrival times of trucks.


  • Checking arrival and departure times
  • Calculation of current traffic information
  • Taking into account the rest, loading and unloading times
  • active warning system for late loading or unloading
  • Workflow for the processing and evaluation of delays

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Swap body site management

The location of swap bodies is information that can often only be researched from the freight documents. Frequent-ly swap bodies stand far too long with the shipper and thus fall into oblivion. The WinSped® swap body administration informs you with one click about the current location.

Current and planned locations in location management

In addition to the capacities of your vehicle fleet, de-tailed information about the resources of your drivers and their availability is of course also an important criterion for successful route planning and scheduling. In the WinSped® personnel deployment planning, all relevant master data is recorded and actively managed together with appointments and events for the res-pective driver. Working hours, vacation days, doctor‘s appointments and all appointments relevant to the availability of the respective driver flow into the per-sonnel deployment planning so that it can easily make a reliable driver selection in addition to the choice of the optimal means of transport and route.

Saddling and un-saddling – also automatically via telematics

Without the use of telematics, swap body location tra-
cking can be elegantly simplified by means of rules (al-ways unhitch at the receiver or the bridge remains on the vehicle until it is manually unhitched). In individual cases, the Saddle up / Dismount function is available in the dialog. A new location can also be entered directly without a transport order. With telematics messages, the driver can report the coupling and uncoupling of the swap bodies directly. The tours and swap body locations are automatically updated.

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Loading Equipment

In addition to the actual transport processing, the efficient administration of loading or loading aids is always a challenge in the day-to-day business of freight forwarding. Whether European pallets, lattice boxes or also lashing straps and load securing wedges – They are involved in almost every transport and have a not inconsiderable monetary intrinsic value. A precise tracking of outstanding debts is absolutely indispensable! The WinSped® Loading Equipment Center, LMC for short, is the ideal platform for efficient loading and loading aid management.


  • Professional management of loading equipment accounts analogous to accounting logic
  • Flexibly configurable booking logic for individual adaptation to your workflows
  • Manual or automatic booking of loading and loading aids along the transport chain
  • Efficient pre-entry dialog, directly during order entry
  • Automatic booking of balances per sold-to party, sender, recipient or carrier on order or route-segment level
  • Automatic evaluation of parallel driver or vehicle movements
  • Automatic internal department booking for order forwarding in the group environment (can also be extended to areas and sections)
  • Multiple counter account logic to track loading equipment balances across multiple company locations
  • Manual or automatic generation of loading equipment accompanying papers
  • Simple recording of loading equipment exchange processes along the transport chain
  • Loading equipment dunning including creation of pro forma invoices
  • Loading equipment billing document with automatic clearing posting
  • Account information and clear balance lists as well as loading equipment statistics
  • Account reconciliation function
  • Optional connection to telematics systems for recording and transmitting exchange processes directly from the vehicle

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Dangerous goods

The dangerous goods module supports the ADR2017-compliant recording and application of the latest dangerous goods data for the transport of dangerous goods by road, which can optionally be provided by the BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. The WinSped® dangerous goods module offers security in handling dangerous goods data so that the dispatcher can concentrate on his core tasks.


  • Printing of all dangerous goods information on the transport documents in accordance with the requirements of ADR2017
  • Integration of dangerous goods data from the Fede-ral Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
  • Recording of dangerous goods, with all data relevant for transport
  • Creation of the annual dangerous goods report and dangerous goods statistics at the push of a button
  • Examination of the ADR approvals of the transport units and the driver
  • Examination of prohibitions and restrictions on mixed loading


Our fleet management system (FMS) makes it easier for you to manage your fleet. The module of our transport ma-nagement software WinSped supports you, for example, in the maintenance of leasing, maintenance and insurance contracts, the planning of vehicle dates or the administration of your tires.