The Logistische Informationssysteme AG (LIS) has once again expanded the WinSped module dangerous goods center (GGC): With immediate effect the application also displays the transport status defined in the “European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road” (ADR) as well as the classification of the danger potential of the goods to be transported. The module is updated automatically as part of regular maintenance. LIS customers incur no costs for this. Last year, the IT specialist used the software to access the dangerous goods database of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).
“The transport of dangerous goods requires special care and excellent knowledge of applicable rules and classifications. Keeping track of this is not easy. The dangerous goods center of WinSped helps forwarders here”, says Thomas Meyer, product expert of Logistic Information Systems Ltd. All relevant information about all the dangerous goods transports carried out is available via the module. With the extension the user can now also find out if and under which conditions a certain substance is dangerous goods according to the current regulations – and whether it can be transported. In addition, the binding BAM note on goods with a high risk potential can be viewed.
The options for recording dangerous goods in the GGC have been extended by the field “Transport status”. From now on, the classification of hazardous substances as defined in the ADR and their special transport guidelines are stored there. The substances can fall into the following categories: “This substance is classified”, “Transport prohibited”, “Not subject to this regulation” and “Classification not known for this regulation”.
The second new field “Danger potential” shows the user at a glance which dangerous goods pose a particularly high risk. The basis for this is also data that BAM provides in WinSped. A distinction is made here between the following three levels: “no high hazard potential”, “high hazard potential” and “high hazard potential (radioactive material)”.