This is what we look forward to in 2023

This is what we look forward to in 2023

2023 is already in full swing – time to take a look at the upcoming eleven months. Be can already promise one thing: It will not be a boring year! We have summarised the first highlights for you here.

Sneak Peek: New tool for graphic hall handling

A product launch is already on the agenda for the next few weeks: We are launching a further development of our Cross Docking Center. The new module is used to graphically display the change of means of transport in the hub. The innovation will be presented for the first time at LogiMAT in April.

Expansion of automatic route planning

Our tour planning software is also getting an upgrade – namely, another map provider is being connected to the WinSped solution. This means that our customers not only benefit from the process and transport optimisation of our partners flexis and PTV, but also from a third provider. This cooperation will be only the first of many integrations of new partners this year.

New partnerships

This will be followed by further interfaces to external service providers and thus an optimised embedding in external IT landscapes. For example, we will show the full integration of Timocom and Bosch Secure Truck Parking at the trade fairs in Stuttgart and Munich – stay tuned!

Trade fairs

Of course, we will be at numerous trade fairs and congresses again this year. Logistics and Automation (Zurich) made the start last week. We continue with these events:

– 28-30 March: SITL Europe (Paris)

– 25-27 April: LogiMAT (Stuttgart)

– 9 to 12 May: transport logistic (Munich)

– 21 – 24 September: NUFAM (Karlsruhe)

– 11 and 12 October: Logistics Summit (Düsseldorf)

– 18-20 October: BVL Congress (Berlin)

Please feel free to visit us and get into conversation with us. You can easily make appointments for this via the following link. We look forward to seeing you!

In this sense: Here’s to an exciting 2023!
