Two days full of intensive dialogs and thrilling insights: Our customers and their requirements were at the heart of the event during our Premium Support Days. Workshops, networking and an exuberant evening program offered our guests a unique mix of information and entertainment.
Our customer event began at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, September 11, with an official opening led by members of management and Premium Support. This year, the focus was on innovation, customer-centricity, and progress.
Our numerous customers had the opportunity to attend informative and exciting workshops both in the morning and the afternoon, ranging from topics such as WinSped .WEB, Application Programming Interface and X-Invoices to Workflow Manager, our LWM® and Artificial Intelligence. The so-called “deep dives” in the individual areas were used to familiarise customers with the benefits and advantages for their respective companies. The open group dialog was also a relevant component of the individual workshops on both days, as this made it easier to link theory with practice.
To ensure all attendees had more than enough time to network, we provided both a hosted lunch and dinner, featuring a diverse menu to suit every taste.
Similar to last year, we surprised our customers on the first evening with a casino-themed event at our premises, creating a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to end the busy day on a high note.
At the end of this year’s Premium Support Days, there was an open dialog on Thursday afternoon. The focus here was on open dialog between customers and LIS GmbH: Which topics are still open, what is on the minds of all participants and where is still need for dialog?
In conclusion, it can be summarised that these were two intensive, absolutely successful days full of networking, information transfer and excitement. We look forward to the Premium Support Days in 2025!