Happy Birthday – Congratulations to LIS Polska on its 5th birthday

Happy Birthday – Congratulations to LIS Polska on its 5th birthday

Our subsidiary LIS Polska Sp. z o.o. based in Pszczyna (south of Katowice) has now been in business for 5 years and has established itself on the Polish market.

On 19.02.2016, LIS Polska was founded as a direct subsidiary of LIS AG. The company started as a “one-man business”. Managing Director Krzysztof Suchoński was the man for everything, so to speak. But shortly afterwards, in the summer of 2016, the first employees joined the company, and they are still part of the team today. In the meantime, 12 people work for our branch in Poland. “We are proud to have been successful on the local market for five years now. I am particularly pleased that some of my colleagues have been with me since the beginning,” says Krzysztof Suchoński.

P&S Logistyka Sp. z o.o. was the very first customer back then and still optimises its processes in dispatching with the help of WinSped. In the meantime, several dozen customers have joined, such as Morawiec Transport, Paul Schockemöhle Logistics Polska, BF Transport, McKeen Beef, Junior Logistics and many more. By acting in a customer-oriented manner and providing the best possible service, LIS Polska managed to establish a lasting market position.
