Forum days – Using WinSped correctly

Forum days – Using WinSped correctly

For the second time we organized the customer forum days. The event format, the successful premiere of which took place one year ago, is used to present products and to openly exchange information about the modules of LIS’s forwarding software. The aim is to make it easier for customers to work with the solutions of the WinSped product family. Because the better the user of a software knows the program, the more efficiently he can design the processes he controls with it. Over three days, 38 customers from Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands received extensive information and practical tips on the use of the new LIS developments in workshops and lectures.

Increase efficiency with WinSped

“Our products offer an enormous range of functions. Training, service and customer proximity are decisive for the effective use of our solutions,” says our CEO Magnus Wagner. The forum days are one of our offers with which we enable the users of WinSped to exploit the potential for increasing efficiency.

  • Training: First our specialists explained the extensive possibilities of the newest modules of the WinSped product family in lectures. Afterwards the participants could test extensively how the solutions work in practice and how they can be integrated into a logistic process chain.
  • Dialog: In the personal exchange with our employees, we were also able to discuss problems that had been identified in our daily work with the software. “We are very interested in constructive criticism. Because the best product is no good if it has been developed without meeting the needs of the market,” says Wagner.

Locker get-together in the evening

We had also taken care of the entertainment necessary for this information density and, among other things, had organized a casino evening. The games were not played for money or WinSped licenses, but for fame and glory.
