Not too long ago, somebody said something that made us IT people smile: “Can we uninstall 2020 and re-install it again? This version had a virus!” Well, guess what, we are not even trying to fix the year so close to its end. Instead, we look back at some good moments and look forward to the future with confidence.
2020 – review of the highlights
Company anniversary
If we look back to the beginnings of our company history, we see 2020 as a celebratory year for LIS AG. Because exactly 40 years ago, Hilmar Wagner founded the predecessor company and thus gave the official starting signal for the development of one of the market-leading Transport Management Systems (TMS) of our time: the programmes of the WinSped family. However, we unfortunately had to do without a big anniversary celebration.
Inauguration of the new office building
Very much unlike the beginning of the year, when Corona had not yet arrived in this country: on 21st February, we inaugurated our new office building in Greven. Around 40 of our software developers work in the 1,200 square metre building. The inauguration ceremony was attended not only by our employees but also by architects and crafts businesses involved in the construction. It was also used to honour some of our long-serving employees on the occasion of their company service anniversaries.
Further development of the software
But as the saying goes: If you can celebrate, you can also work! We therefore also further developed our software in 2020 and launched new products. The WinSped module Hazardous Materials Centre (GGC) now displays the transport status defined in the “European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road” (ADR) as well as the classification of the hazard potential of the goods to be transported. The rollout of these functions was carried out automatically and is free of charge for our customers.
Expansion of the LIS Cloud
We also worked diligently on the expansion of our data centre. With the expanded capacity, we can now meet the increasing demand for the cloud-based use of our TMS WinSped. The LIS Cloud enables more flexible use of the software – from home or on the road. Customers also benefit from automatic backup and update services. With the construction of a new server room, we can now offer the cloud service to more customers. Currently, almost 70 companies are using it.
University award for Yannick Wölker
Our achievements were, as per usual, only possible with the help of our employees. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire staff for their commitment. We are particularly pleased that the achievement of our former dual student and now permanent employee Yannick Wölker has also sparked enthusiasm outside LIS: In summer, the Münster University of Applied Sciences chose his Bachelor’s thesis as the best final paper of the past year in the Department of Computer Science and awarded him the University Prize 2020 for it. This award also confirms our efforts in training young talent.
2021 – Outlook
However, all these highlights, and the fact that we as a company have weathered the year 2020 well, do not lead us to look forward to the turn of the year with melancholy. On the contrary, we are happy to say goodbye to the year of crisis and are looking forward to a future less dominated by the virus. May 2021 bring more security again.
Nevertheless, 2020 also had one constant and we are very happy about that: the trust of our clients and partners. At this point, we would like to thank everyone who has worked with us. You have also contributed to the fact that we have mastered the year well.
Spend a peaceful holiday season – hopefully with your loved ones – and have a good start to the New Year!