Personnel changes at Logistische Informationssysteme AG (LIS): Hilmar Wagner left the Executive Board on 1 May 2020 and moved to the Supervisory Board. He handed over the operational management completely to his son Magnus Wagner and Rolf Hansmann. LIS has thus completed the last step of the generational change. Markus Berkemeier, Head of Customer Service and Project Management, was granted power of attorney in this connection.
“As a family business, it is important to us that our business decisions continuously follow a common thread,” emphasizes Hilmar Wagner, founder of Logistische Informationssysteme AG. For this reason, the company has set itself the goal of placing the management of the business in the hands of the next generation in autumn 2017. “My retirement from the Executive Board has now heralded the final stage of this path,” the new Supervisory Board member said. Since May 2020, his son Magnus Wagner and his colleague on the Board of Management Rolf Hansmann have been managing the company’s operative business alone.
Hilmar Wagner, however, has remained loyal to the company and moved to the supervisory board. Ulrike Wagner left the Supervisory Board after many years of service and retired. “I would like to thank my wife for her energetic support – in both her private and professional life,” said Wagner senior. The Supervisory Board Chairmen Prof. Dr. Ute von Lojewski and Maria Lückemeier will remain on the Supervisory Board.
The personnel rochade was rounded off by Markus Berkemeier: The head of customer service and project management was granted power of attorney and will represent LIS in future in legal transactions. “With this step, we are honoring the competence and leadership qualities of Markus Berkemeier,” explains board member Magnus Wagner.